Ortho Outrage: Why Are My Child’s Clear Aligners Yellow?

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — ahorthopeds @ 6:43 pm
Girl in grey sweater holding clear aligner in front of a yellow background

Clear aligners continue to gain popularity as a discrete alternative to traditional braces to straighten smiles. Instead of bulky metal brackets, this method utilizes clear plastic aligners to gently shift your teeth. Patients love that they’re less visually intrusive and therefore don’t cause the same anxiety over their appearance.

That said, if you’ve noticed that your child’s aligners are tinted yellow, it’s natural to feel concerned. It defeats the purpose of an ‘invisible’ treatment if it becomes discolored. Keep reading to learn 3 reasons this happens and what you can do!

Cause #1: Plaque Buildup

Leftover particles from the foods your kid eats attract bacteria that love to thrive in the space between their aligners and their teeth. If not cleared away regularly, this can cause plaque buildup that hardens into tartar. If you notice that their once-transparent aligner trays look cloudy, darkened, or have an unpleasant odor then this could be the culprit.

Fortunately, the cure is as simple as cleaning their aligners consistently. You should have them brush them daily with a soft-bristled brush and dish soap rather than toothpaste, which can be abrasive and damage the material. They can also soak them for 15 minutes in a solution of water and cleaning crystals that have been specifically developed to eradicate up to 99% of unhealthy germs.

Cause #2: Foods That Stain

Dark foods and beverages are also notorious for tinting otherwise clear aligners. There are several potential culprits like tea, coffee, and dark sodas which all contain tannins that are known to cause discoloration. They are notorious for staining aligner trays as well as your child’s teeth.

Removing them while eating or drinking can prevent this from occurring but might require that your kid adjust their daily habits. For example, if you have a teen at home who enjoys a morning cup of coffee, they will need to finish it quickly and reinsert their trays rather than sip it slowly. If the aligners aren’t in their mouth long enough, your child’s teeth might revert to their previous placements and elongate their treatment timeline.

Cause #3: Dried Saliva

If your youth leaves their aligners to air out overnight, they might notice that they’re not as clear the next time they put them in. This is because saliva naturally contains small amounts of minerals, proteins, mucus, and enzymes that can turn yellow once it dries.

The solution is to have your child continue to wear their aligners for 22 hours every day and only take them out for meals and cleanings. This keeps the trays moist and also ensures that their teeth don’t relapse. Also, drinking more water throughout the day helps rinse away any unwanted particles.

By making a few slight adjustments, your kid can keep their clear aligners in prime condition!

About the Practice

At Arlington Heights Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry, children of all ages benefit from a team of experts who offer a full array of services under one roof, including clear aligners. With a board-certified pediatric dentist as well as a board-certified orthodontist onsite, they’re equipped to handle even the most complex dental dilemmas. They understand that many smaller children feel anxious at the dentist’s office and go above and beyond to help them feel comfortable throughout their visit. If your kid’s clear aligners are looking worse for wear, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (847) 255-3020.

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